Monday, August 31, 2015

[Photo] BYJ Mobile Photo August #8 & #9

BYJ - ITALY -2015 


  1. BAE YONG JOON es un ser humano maravilloso, su mirada traviesa e inocente y su sonrisa inigualable, la calides que nos da en su tierna sonrisa, lo hacen un ser humano preciosa. Es un artista incomparable, exitoso, famoso, todo el mundo lo ama, pero eso lo ha hecho un ser humano maravilloso. Te amamos Bae Yong Joon. te deseo mucho exito y salud y felisidad en los años por venir con la bendicion de Dios!

  2. Bae Yong Joon is a unique human being, his naughty and innocent look, and its unique smile, the warmth that gives us in his gentle smile, make him a precious human being. It is a unique, successful, famous artist, everyone loves him, but; that it has become a wonderful human being. We love Bae Yong Joon, I wish you much success, health and happiness in the years to come with the blessing of God.
