Saturday, February 21, 2015

[Photo] BYJ watched Football Match in Germany (2015/02/13)

BYJ was caught on live TV broadcast of a football match between Dormund Vs Mainz 
(Bundesliga 2015), on February 13th, 2015 in Dortmund, Germany. Well, 
Enjoy the trip BYJ ! Be happy!!" \^__^/

source: koo's blog (thankss!!)


1 comment:

  1. Hello dear BYJ! I,m Mihaela from Romania. I,m your fan. I wish to be strong , to much lucky, and have succesful all your business. Pls don,t listen everywords bad of U. You are good person , kind. You are the best big Star. I know fro 2014 from Drama , The Legend. You are super goood movie star. Yesssss! all the best for U dear BYJ , wish to be strong . love uU fopm Romania Mihaela.. Romania , loves U. a lot. super drama , The Legend. is , wowwwwwww!**************
